Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Reality? Or Parody?

On Monday October 12, 2015, Errol Louis published an article to titled, The problem with Ben Carson. Louis details Carson's gaffes and missteps, as well as the many critiques coming from within his own party. The article further describes the former neurosurgeon as insensitive, incompetent, and unaware due to his responses during interviews and the GOP debate. Louis uses direct quotes from Carson and his critics to demonstrate the ways in which Carson is creating his own political demise.

Errol Louis is a tried CNN political commentator, in addition to being the host of NY1's Inside City Hall, a program about New York politics. Louis has a Bachelors in government from Harvard, a Masters in political science from Yale, and a Juris Doctorate from Brooklyn Law School. His target audience should include a heavy New York base and those that read CNN.

Louis establishes a logical argument by utilizing interviews, editorials, and the candidate's own campaign. Basing an argument events that were recorded and nationally broadcast is brilliant due to its inability to refute. He also takes the proposed poll strength of the former doctor and fashions it into a tool to undermine Carson's credibility. "Carson, like Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina, has enjoyed considerable political success in the polls so far simply by being a nonpolitician. Carson frequently makes a point of emphasizing that he simply speaks his mind, unencumbered by political correctness.The idea of plainspoken, unvarnished talk sounds great -- until you realize that leading a nation of more than 300 million people of every religion, race and ideology might require some diplomatic skill and a lot of knowledge."  Further, by using criticisms only coming from within Carson's suspected and supposed supporters, Louis is able to sew the seeds of discord within Conservatives.

I agree with Louis' argument. I hope that America is able to see that the things Carson is saying are the best indication of his inability to lead this nation. The absurdity and insensitivity that spews from that man's mouth makes me feel as though I am living in a political satire, it is absolutely surreal.

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